Linq League Features

100% Free for League Organizers

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Elevate Your Sports Programs


League Linq offers a full league management platform at no cost to the club organizers. We only make money when you make money, it's that simple. Schedule a demo to learn more.


Whether you have a free league or need to collect payment. Collecting registration (team, player, free agents), League Linq makes it's easy to set up your league with unique settings.


Switch between clubs and organizations with the click of a button. A unique feature and experience specific to League Linq.


Run a lot of tournaments? All inside one app, where players don't need to download a new app, League Linq can handle all your weekend tournaments.


Need to display or announce your sponsorships that help keep your sports leagues running? League Linq give you the ability to showcase the brands you partner with.

Mobile App

It's never been easier to download one app to make all your team, roster, and player moves. The league Linq app allows you to switch organization profiles with the click of a button.

All in-one League Management Platform

Custom Team Set Up


Automated Playoff Bracket

Team Waitlist

Free Agents & Subs

Live Captain Scoring

Multi Location Setup

Waiver Collection

Set Up in Minutes

Pricing 100% Free

For all sport league mangers, organizers and associations

Why League Software Is Essential

First and foremost, a league management app allows commissioners and managers to easily create game and practice schedules, distribute them to all players, and make adjustments when needed. This is a huge time saver, as the amount of email back-and-forth over schedules in a typical league season can be excessive. With an app, the league can input all team and player availability, venue locations and costs, coach preferences, and more. The app can then optimize the schedule for field space, fairness, rest time, and other factors. Players then simply check the app calendar for their personal schedule. Any changes can be immediately pushed out.
Secondly, a league management app becomes the central communication hub, connecting players, coaches, managers, and families. Broadcast features can send mass notifications, reminders, team news, and emergency announcements. Individual and group messaging removes the need for massive email chains or texts. This allows quicker dissemination of information and more community engagement.
Third, registration, payment, and roster management is streamlined with League Linq. Players can register instantly by completing built-in waiver forms and paying registration fees through the app. Managers can view registration trends, projected roster size, waiting lists, and revenue data. Player check-in and attendance at games, assigned positions, statistics, and emergency contacts can all be stored and displayed in the app for each team. Automated reminders for renewing annual dues makes management of these items easy.
Lastly, league apps provide exciting options for stats tracking, analytics, and awards programs. Individual and team stats can be input during or after games for cumulative season tracking. For many players, seeing their up-to-date season stats is highly rewarding. Advanced analytics can provide insights on player and team performance. End-of-season awards, trophies, and all-star selections can utilize stats pulled from the app. This kind of recognition is motivating for players of all ages and skill levels.

Eliminate Hours Making Schedules In 3...2...1

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